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[특목고 대비] My First TOEFL : Listening

  • 수강대상 : 중2, 중3
  • 가격 : 319,000원
  • -

TOEFL MAP Listening Intermediate(NewTOEFL Edition)

  • 교재 : TOEFL MAP Listening Intermediate(NewTOEFL Edition)
  • 출판사 : 다락원
  • 저자 : Michael A. Putlack, Stephen Poirier ,Angela Maas
  • 판매가 : 18000 원
  • 출간연도 : 2024 년
교재 설명

* 토플의 빈출 주제에 따른 챕터 구성
* 중급자의 눈높이에 맞춘 단계별 유닛 구성
* 리스닝 강의 이해에 필수적인 주제별 핵심 어휘 학습 코너
* 실제 토플을 맛볼 수 있는 실전 문제 2회분
* 모든 문제에 대한 상세한 영문 해설이 담긴 해답지
* QR코드를 이용한 MP3 바로듣기 및 무료 다운로드 서비스
* 모든 강의 및 대화에 대한 한글 해석(온라인)

교재 목차
    Part A Understanding Listening Question Types
    Question Type 01 Gist-Content
    Question Type 02 Gist-Purpose
    Question Type 03 Detail
    Question Type 04 Understanding the Function of What Is Said
    Question Type 05 Understanding the Speaker’s Attitude
    Question Type 06 Understanding Organization
    Question Type 07 Connecting Content
    Question Type 08 Making Inferences

    Part B Building Background Knowledge of TOEFL Topics
    Chapter 01 Life Sciences 1 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Chapter 02 Life Sciences 2 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Chapter 03 Social Sciences 1 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Chapter 04 Social Sciences 2 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Chapter 05 Physical Sciences 1 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Chapter 06 Physical Sciences 2 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Chapter 07 Arts 1 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Chapter 08 Arts 2 & Conversations
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A1
    Mastering Question Types with Lectures & Conversations A2
    Mastering Topics with Lectures B1, B2, B3
    Mastering Topics with Conversations B4
    TOEFL Practice Tests C1
    TOEFL Practice Tests C2
    Star Performer Word Files
    Vocabulary Review

    Part C Experiencing the TOEFL iBT Actual Tests
    Actual Test 01
    Actual Test 02
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